Tallahassee Area Council of Advanced Practice Nurses
Bridging the Gap in Health Care
Stay Connected

The Tallahassee Area Council of Advanced Practice Nurses uses ENP Network to connect with their members and followers.

Please log in or create an account to become a member of The Tallahassee Area Council of Advanced Practice Nurses.

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Benefits of Membership

All NPs, CRNAs, Nurse Midwives, CNSs, and Nurse Faculty are invited to become members and attend the dinner meetings.

Benefits of CAPN membership

  • Monthly dinner meeting with educational presentation
  • Opportunity to network with colleagues
  • Listing on our website of Members and Followers
  • Eligibility to hold office in CAPN
  • $10 discount in individual AANP annual dues
  • Reduced registration fees to attend the annual national AANP conference

Dues for CAPN:

  • Membership $80/year 
  • Students & Retirees $50/year 

You must be a CAPN Member to hold office and to vote in the organization. Non-Members of CAPN are welcome to attend the Monthly Meetings & CE Presentations.